hey mama, in the lead up to mother’s day we wanted to highlight some of our favourite mama’s out there to help us feel a little more connected, supported, heard & seen during this time.
each day we will be sharing with you an interview we did with one of these beautiful women & we can't wait to introduce you to them.
to start this series we sat down & spoke with Sophie Pearce...
biglittlethings | So lovely Sophie, tell us a bit about yourself & who you’re a mama to.
sophie | Well I am extremely flattered that you thought of me!
My name is Sophie, I am the mother of two beautiful girls, Poppy, who is a fun energy filled, extremely personable two year old and Goldie, who is so far a placid, inquisitive little 3 month old.
I have an amazing hands on husband, Nick and we all live in Northern NSW. Before having kids, I was working as a doctor, and I guess still technically am one, but now I co-host a podcast, Beyond the Bump, which aims to have authentic and raw discussions with mums and professionals to help mums, mums to be, women, men, whoever feel lighter and more understood.
I also manage our Airbnb in Cabarita Beach, Grounds of Cabarita and manage our cooking instagram that has REALLY taken off since isolation, called Recipearce!
B | tell us either about your journey to motherhood OR through motherhood currently.
S | I have had highs and lows into motherhood like I feel most women have!
Before having Poppy, we had a miscarriage which upset me more than I expected! Coming from a medical background, I knew how common miscarriages were, but something about the jolt from thinking you were a mother (or mother to be) one day and then having that pulled away from you, was devastating.
Luckily it only took us 6 months after that to conceive Poppy, but every month felt like an eternity. Goldie was conceived the first month we decided to try for another bub so we are super lucky about that! My pregnancies, especially with Poppy, were not necessarily smooth sailing.
But aside from all of this, I have had two absolutely incredible, fast (full on but amazing) births! That have resulted in the two sweetest, beautiful daughters!!
I had hyperemesis in my first pregnancy, which resulted in me vomiting multiple times every day until about 30 weeks gestation. Then when I was 36 weeks I developed PUPPPs, which is a pregnancy induced rash that drives you seriously LOCO. So much so that I ended up begging to be induced at 38 weeks cause I mentally couldn’t handle another day and night of itch.
My pregnancy with Goldie was definitely a lot easier, in comparison! I was still sick, but no where near as often or for as long, and thank F**K the rash did not recur!!
B | So you are one busy mama, whilst running the best instagram; @recipearce, you own an incredible Airbnb @groundsofcabarita & you also co-host the amazing podcast Beyond the Bump - what made you start a podcast like this??
And how do you find balance between running multiple instagrams/businesses, an incredibly popular podcast & being a mama to a toddler & a 3 mth old?
S | This is definitely something I am still trying to navigate!!
The positive and negative of them is that I can manage most of the on my phone, so its flexible, but it also means its hard to switch off and I spend more time on my phone than I would like!!
I am still trying to find the balance especially since having Goldie and even more so since we went into isolation. Pre-iso, Poppy would go to daycare two days a week, so that would give me a chance to get a lot of work done while she was there while still finding some time for myself and 1 on 1 time with Goldie.
Now, I have had to make more of an effort to find time for everything, but it has definitely be an adjustment.
My husband’s work has some flexibility, so we have started designating chunks of time that I can sit down and smash through some editing for example, and we’re very lucky that Goldie is more than happy to take a bottle!! I also find, getting up an hour before the girls (as long as Goldie hasn’t had a shocker of a night) sets me up for a really good day!
I hate to use this phrase but its true, the podcast started extremely organically!
I had wanted to start my own business ever since starting a family, but every idea I came up with felt really forced and wasn’t a deep passion.
I wanted to do some form of work but didn’t necessarily want to return to being a doctor as I wanted flexibility. I ended up being interviewed for a podcast about our Airbnb and tips for running one etc, and absolutely loved it and got some really good feedback from it.
I then got thinking how great a podcast targeted at mums, telling their tales and offering up information from professionals would be! I felt there was an emphasis on pregnancies and births with existing podcasts but none on what to do when you actually have a baby/child.
I approached Jayde, my co-host, to come on the podcast to discuss her experiences with post natal depression and anxiety, and she ended up asking if in fact I would like to do it together!! It has taken off faster than we could ever have imagined and we are extremely proud of the space we have created!!

B | How are you handling the whole isolation situation with a toddler (Poppy) & a 3mth old (Goldie)??
S | So I am about five or so weeks in now and really feel like I am starting to get my groove!!
I found the start extremely challenging. We normally live a very busy, social, active life where we are rarely home and that is a lifestyle that myself and Poppy are very used to! So it was a major change to all of a sudden being at home, Poppy having to tire herself at home rather than outside with her friends.
We aren’t an arts and crafts family, so that has been a journey in itself haha. But now that both Poppy and I are getting more used to it, it is becoming quite an enjoyable time!! I think I have definitely made some changes in slowing down my life that I would like to take into our lives when things go back to normal! For example, it has been so nice not having to get in and out of the car!!
B | If you could go back in time; what you tell your first time pregnant self?
S | I honestly don’t really think there's anything you can tell someone who is experiencing Hyperemesis, that will make them feel better.
I used to hate when people would say “oh but you must be excited to be pregnant” because it would make me feel so ungrateful, when truly I was feeling absolutely awful!!
But I would just encourage myself that the incredible little girl you will get to raise at the end of it is MORE than worth it. That somehow your mind and body will play tricks on you and you’ll forget exactly how bad it is and go again (and probably again, again haha).
That you are allowed to not enjoy being pregnant, but still be grateful for the pregnancy and love your unborn child and already be a great mother!
B | what are some biglittle moments of being a mama?
S | It is hard to top the euphoria I felt both times when my girls were put on my chest after birth! Having two fast births, and really quick pushing stages, both times it was very surreal that they were there, all was well, they were mine and I got to keep them! Its honestly a feeling I can’t quite explain!
But there are biglittle moments in everyday and I think noticing them and being grateful for them is what makes being a mum extraordinary! I absolutely love the newborn bubble, the milky breath, the sleeping on your chest and those first smiles. Another favourite period, has been watching Poppy learn to talk. I have honestly found it so fascinating, experiencing her language develop! And now that she is just over two, she comes out with the funniest things!! Normally, an echo of something that Nick or myself have said, so we need to be careful!Oh, and last thing! Watching my girls interact turns me to butter!! I was so worried that Poppy was going to hate us when we brought another baby into the world, but their bond already is undeniable and I can’t handle watching them together. And for any mother’s worried about neglecting their toddler when their newborn comes, don’t worry, they still DEMAND all your attention hah.
B | what/who inspires you as a mama?
S | My mum, that sounds cliche but its true! I have always been close to my mum but wowee it wasn’t until I started having children that my admiration and gratitude for her was truly cemented! She is such an incredible mum, she was always present, always there for us and is such a strong woman!
But I draw inspiration for all mums that I see! My friends, my sisters in law, strangers out and about. I think in general, all mums (and dads) are just trying to do their best and that inspirational in itself!
B | lastly, a very important question - what’s your Top 3 favourite products from biglittlethings?
S | The Snuggle Me Organic would have to be number 1! I have had this for both bubs but especially the second time round it has been a game changer!!! I have less time now with a toddler and newborn, to hold Goldie as much so it is so handy to have the lounger that I can pop her in and she is comfy and remains happy!
Anything from Susukoshi! I love their colours, styles, the feel of the fabric. They’re easy to wash, the press studs are sturdy. I’m still trying to shove Goldie into her newborn kimono onesies, even though she ends up having an “off the shoulder” look. Probably time to get some more!!
And last, I could go on forever but you said only three…. is…. how do I choose?
The Chekoh baby wrap carriers. I loved baby wearing with Poppy and have found it even more handy this time with Goldie. So nice to be able to get hands free when they won’t settle off you, or to go for a walk without having to take the pram!! Also makes you feel just so so close to them, snuggled up against you chest to chest!!
you can follow Sophie on instagram @svpearce, @recipearce, @beyondthebump.podcast & @groundsofcabarita