hey mama | rebecca.

hey mama | rebecca.

8 min read

hey mama, in the lead up to mother’s day we wanted to highlight some of our favourite mama’s out there to help us feel a little more connected, supported, heard & seen during this time.

each day we will be sharing with you an interview we did with one of these beautiful women & we can't wait to introduce you to them. 

for day nine we spoke to a mama who has gone through two HG pregnancies; Rebecca...

biglittlethings | Hi lovely Rebecca, tell us a bit about yourself & who you’re a mama to.

R | Hey there! I am 25 years old, living on the beautiful Gold Coast. I am a lifestyle photographer and proud mum of two beautiful baby boys! (Selah 18 months & Harley 1 month)

B | tell us about your HG pregnancies & how they differed from each other.

R | My first HG pregnancy was an absolute shock to the system. In my mind pregnancy was supposed to be a magical and exciting time but in reality I spent countless weeks in hospital and on bed rest. It was just nothing like I had envisioned my pregnancy going.

I had no idea HG existed until I had experienced it. I was vomiting all day or constantly nauseas. I felt scared and anxious for mine and my babies health all the time, and being so sick led to isolation and feelings of depression.

Not knowing what medication worked for me meant there was trial and error on multiple types of antiemetic medications and I suffered a lot of negative side effects.

I had to carry a sick bag with me wherever I went which was really embarrassing and it basically felt like I had a nine month long hangover.

My second pregnancy was a lot kinder to me, I still suffered from HG more in the first and second trimester with a lot of vomiting and constant nausea.

I was hospitalised maybe 4 times however this was a lot easier for me to deal with mentally and physically as I was informed about HG, had my support network, and knew what helped me personally.

Knowing I had made it through the first time was huge in helping me through the second, as I knew it was temporary and it was easier to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

B | You just welcomed baby Harley to the world in late March. How has been adjusting from one to two babes & how are you feeling after your second HG pregnancy? (You warrior woman!)

R | The adjustment has been a lot easier than I anticipated. Selah has been so understanding and adores his little brother. The hardest bit for me so far has been seeing my first born baby evolve into such an independent toddler. It goes so quickly!

It's incredibly relieving that my HG journeys are over. I was actually glad to have my pregnancies and babies close together so I can move forward with my health and not have to be sick anymore, well I’ll try to give myself at least 5 years until I decide on more babies or not..

B | what are some things you wish you knew before you went through a HG pregnancy?

R | How to manage it! I wish I knew it existed. I wish I knew that so many people including doctors and nurses wouldn’t have a clue what the difference was between morning sickness and Hyperemesis.

B | where did you find support?

R | My partner was extremely understanding and supported me throughout both my pregnancies in any way he could, he paid for a lot of my medication as the Ondansetron (that was the only thing keeping me and baby alive) is unfortunately not government funded and it worked out costing around $4 a day, roughly $1100  each pregnancy.

I also found such amazing emotional support through Facebook. Social media allowed me to connect to thousands of other mums going through HG and I’m so thankful for that. Seeing other mums post a photo of their baby after giving birth and saying how relieved they were seriously helped me through!

Here is the link to the Facebook group I joined: https://www.facebook.com/groups/HGAussieSupportGroup/

B | how did you handle going through a HG pregnancy with another babe to take care of? How did you explain HG to them or how did you manage being so sick whilst also being a mama?

R | There were good days and bad days! My HG journey the second time around wasn’t as bad as the first, but there were days I had my head in the toilet bowl with my toddler there comforting me. He would find the sound of me vomiting hilarious and I just ensured him I was okay and explained that it was the baby making me sick. I feel like Selah being there actually made me force myself to be strong.

My partner and mother were amazing in supporting me and if I was really sick they would take care of him and allow me to rest. There were definitely moments of mum guilt but I tried to remember that giving him a little brother is one of the best gifts I can give him in this life, and I’m so glad I did.

B | what would you say to a mama currently suffering from HG?

R | I’m so sorry you're experiencing this, but I can ensure you that it is 100% worth it. You are brave, powerful, and creating life! You will come out of this as an even stronger women and person, and you will witness true resilience through your body. Women all over the world are going through this with you, so please ensure you find your support network.
Talk to people who have gone through it/ are going through it! Trust your body, be kind to yourself, allow yourself to rest unapologetically and don't be afraid to ask for help. Please ask for help. Lay in bed and connect with your baby, because truly, nothing else matters. This is temporary, You.have.got.this.mama

B | We are passionate about support during Postpartum for all mama’s. I wish someone had told me about the effects you feel Postpartum after going through HG - how has your PP journey been? What is some advice for other HG mama’s for PP?

R | Agreed! Postpartum/ fourth trimester/ the golden month is so important. It is such a sacred healing time. Just like HG, I was uneducated about postpartum the first time around, and as a result suffered severe post-natal depletion.

I imagine this would unfortunately be common for HG mums as a lot of the time HG leaves you unable to take pregnancy supplements, and with HG often you can’t eat so loose weight during your pregnancy which can make postpartum even harder.

I spent a lot of time researching postpartum and educating myself since and have had such a better experience the second time around. Some books I would suggest reading include “ The first 40 days” and “The fourth trimester.”

Just like most women have a birthing partner I’d suggest having a postpartum partner or doula on board and communicating with them exactly what you want this time to look like and why.

My partner knew how important this time was the second time around and he understood exactly how he could help me, and what he could cook me, to nourish me post birth.

Prepare yourself with nourishing foods, soups, broths and tea. I ordered a care package from @thegoldenmonth which is a women's health clinic that curates traditional post natal food and and care packages for modern mamas. It helped me so much having meals ready to go and not having to use any energy on that. Focus on staying warm, healing and resting for at least the first few weeks and most importantly be kind to yourself. Take it slow & steady, You just ran the biggest marathon of your life.

I would also suggest after HG, having blood tests done to ensure you aren't lacking in anything and speaking to a naturopath.

B | what have been the biglittle moments for you as a mama?

R | Wow every day there are biglittle moments!

Things like managing to go for a walk to my local coffee shop with two babies and a puppy! Being a mama means endless biglittle moments — the cuddles, the smiles, watching them learn, play, and sleep. We were watching the sunset at the beach and my toddler leaned in to kiss me on his own accord for the first time, and as he did he said “mmmmmmMWAA” It was so cute, and so special.. The little things are really the big things!

B | what/who inspires you as a mama?

R | My own mama inspires me big time! I am inspired by mamas who tell it like it is! Those mamas who smile at you in the shopping centre when your toddler is mid meltdown. All the mamas who are honest about the ups and downs of motherhood.

B | And lastly, a very important questions, what are your Top 3 favourite biglittlethings?

R | Found it super hard to choose just 3 as there are so many amazing things but I’ve gone with the most practical ones here, because when your'e a mama practical means convenience and convenience means more biglittle moments!

  1. The chekoh wrap carrier - this one is a game changer. The only way to get things done sometimes is by wearing your baby, and it is a beautiful bonding experience. These carriers make it comfortable carrying your baby and seem to compliment your outfits.. win win.
  2. Snuggle me organic ! I have used my snuggle me organic with both babies and I adore it for convenience and how cute it is. Babies must feel so snuggly in them. Like floating in a little cloud. They also come with the sweetest coloured covers.
  3. The Charlie crane rocker!!!!!! Obsessed with this bad boy. It is a beautiful piece in my house, (not just another obvious baby item) Its practical, I use it every day, and it is beautiful to look at, espeically with a cute baby snuggled in it.

We will be chatting to more HG survivors in the lead up to HG Awareness Day (15th May) & we can't wait to share more stories like Rebecca's.

You can follow Rebecca on instagram @rebeccabrooketaylor


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